Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Baby makin'?

It's obvious that teenage pregnancy is becoming more common, ultimately an issue, but also widely accepted. The efforts to suspend the rate of teenage pregnancies has really only led to more. I recently learned that my school spent over $5,000 on fake babies for a parenting class to "teach" the students about the reality of having a kid. But in reality, it did just the opposite. I mean sure, the babies cry and pee and you have to feed them and blah blah blah, but what the project doesn't teach is that you have to pay for food, and diapers and constantly refill said diapers and bottles. It's costly, and a 24/7 job. The school sent the students out with the babies for a week, as a grade. First off, no teacher on earth is actually going to allow you to have your baby sitting in class with you everyday like these kids did, (day care: another fund needed.) secondly, all these kids got was praise and attention for toting around fake babies, which is exactly what high schoolers crave. Lesson well taught? No. Money well spent? Definitely not.
And then there are shows such as "16 and Pregnant", which has turned into more of a reality/drama show than a life lesson teacher. The girls worry more about partying and their boyfriends than the actual baby they just popped out. Walking down the halls of high school, I've actually heard girls saying "I wanna be on 16 and Pregnant!". And honestly, who wouldn't want to be? They glorify teenage pregnancy, make it look easy, and on top of being famous you get paid to get knocked up. Really?
If you want to get through to a teenager, you can't always just try to relate to them, sometimes you've just gotta shove the harsh reality down their throats. And yeah, teenagers are just a bunch of stupid horn dogs, i know, i go to school with them every day, you might not stop them from actually having sex, but you can convince them to at least use protection.
And teenagers: you have the rest of your life to "fall in love" or whatever persuaded you to have sex in the first place. You're young, yeah, you're still a baby, but take advantage of it. You have virtually no responsibilities, and that's how it's supposed to be, don't ruin your childhood. Live it up, safely.

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